Healing Arts Experiences


Passive Art

Quiet instrumental music, ambient video, iPad generative music, iPad images rejoined to sound, poetry readings, short story telling, art gallery

Cancer Specialist Drum Circle-56.jpg

Interactive Art

Painting, drawing pastel and pencil, coloring mandalas, mind mapping, tile murals, patient journals, photography, blogging, group painting, writing poetry and short stories


Environmental Art

Healing garden, fountains, benches, wind chimes, healing artwork on office walls, examination room walls, hallways

Engaging creativity in
a way that is supportive
of caring and healing
for you.

We provide opportunities to participate in social arts events and in order to share feeling and experiences with peers

We provide opportunities to participate in social arts events and in order to share feeling and experiences with peers

Why Choose Healing Arts for Your Treatment:

  • Helps reduce anxiety, depression and the perception of pain

  • Provides a sense of wholeness, hope and a new feeling of vitality

  • Engages you in a creative process that will contribute positively to healing

  • Positively alter the experience of illness

Arts in the medical setting can reduce pain and anxiety for patients and promote healing and recovery. Creative expression of the arts can reduce isolation, improve mood and hopefully lead to better health outcomes.