As a provider it’s important that
we transform the treatment experience
by inspiring joy, happiness, and hope
to patients, caregivers, staff, and artists.


What is the need for more patient-centered care?

  • The science of medicine tends to accentuate detachment and objectivity in the service of better diagnosis and therapy

  • Patients, unlike consumers, lack complete control and this increases feelings of fear and vulnerability

  • While curing requires a medical intervention with absence of illness as the intended outcome, healing aims for a return to wholeness and includes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of life

  • Many healthcare settings can be cold, sterile and impersonal and can contribute to the suffering of patients by alienating and isolating them.


 The arts in a medical environment can provide positive distraction and enjoyment for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals

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We cannot always affect the course of disease, but we can definitely alter the experience of the illness in a positive way.

We cannot always affect the course of disease, but we can definitely alter the experience of the illness in a positive way.

How does Healing Arts address the need?

  • Arts in Medicine is a nationwide movement that integrates all forms of expressive art into healthcare settings

  • The arts in a medical environment can provide positive distraction and enjoyment for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals

  • Arts-based programs can help reduce anxiety and create an environment conducive for physical and psychological healing

  • Creative expression of the arts can reduce isolation, improve mood and lead to better outcomes

There is a need to return to the humanistic origins of medicine and encourage a patient-centered focus in the delivery of care.